Pre-Christmas blog review

Well, tomorrow is the last day of teaching at Greenwich and I'm looking forward to seeing the Landscape Science & Techniques submissions tomorrow afternoon - noticed a couple of sneek previews in the blogs. I thought I'd better do an end of term round-up.

First of all, I'm really pleased with the way the project has gone and it is clear that although some students are "born to blog" (yes, Michelle, I think you're right about John), some are not and I do appreciate that for some, it has been a struggle. However, there is no doubt that those who have made any effort at all have definately benefited from it. Having just been through all of the blogs, I'm left thinking "wow! what a great body of work". I am, however left with a few questions, most of which I know the answer to but I won't embarras anyone by stating them:

Q1. Why are the Garden Designers so much better at this than the Landscape Architects?

Q2. Why did some blogs come to a stuttering halt in the second half of November?

Q3. Why have some blogs just not happened (maybe Roi can help with that one)?

Q4. Why are some blogs so damn weird (shh... don't mention "design")?

Q5. Should I get the second year Landscape Architects to do this next term (answers on a postcard)?

Highlights of this review have to include Richard Lord for consistently good quality contributions. What a shame there aren't more hours in the day, Richard. My favourite moment of this roundup is to be found on Anne Lamont's blog. I thought the photos of her drawing board and the work in progress were great and really brought home the reality of this design stuff. I have a sneaking feeling that she may have tidied up before thaking the photos - it all looks far too neat.

Good work chaps, keep it up!


Annie said…
Nice to have you back - your absence was noted!! Thank you for your comments.
But, honest guv, I didn't tidy up nor did I do any 'styling' - what you saw was what it was like. Actually, still is - much more interesting things to do!
Have a good break!
David Watson said…
That's pretty impressive. I daren't show you a picture of MY desk!

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