Question: do you listen to music while you design? Are you the kind of person that cracks open a party pack of Bud and sticks on your favourite Extreme Noise Terror CD or are you more likely to be sipping red wine accompanied by some Debussy chamber music? OK, so it's not just music is it? Somehow, design, music and alcohol just seem to go together like Tomato, Mozzarella and Avocado. In fact, toss in a Tricolore Salad to the mix and you're in heaven... right? Or does none of this mean anything to you? Are you sitting, quietly absorbed in your own thoughts, painstakingly redrawing that masterplan for the nth time, listening only to the scratch of your felt tipped pens echo off the walls? So, here's my hypothesis; designers like listening to music while they work, especially when accompanied by their favourite tipple. It helps those creative juices to flow, it frees our minds and it makes us more daring. I like to listen to music I know well when I'm doing creative stuff...
This was meant to be an exercise for a university degree course and not for public display. I do not want to publish my details on the internet above and beyond this exercise, which although public does not advertise itself - UNLIKE NOW! How dare you without consulting us first.
Michelle Parker
One day, quite soon, your design ideas are going to be exposed to the big wide world, open to scrutiny.
This is an opportunity to get noticed, perhaps by an established design studio, who may like your ideas and are looking to recruit!
If you don't like some of the entries (which you have written), why not delete them?
Where is the harm?
I imagine David's aim was to communicate the idea of this (potentially successful) exercise to students and tutors of other colleges who might want to try it out.
As 'Dickie' says, you can always remove any posts you're not happy about.