GDJ Pass notes

Look out for the next issue of the Garden Design Journal. Our Blog experiment is described in the "Pass notes" section of the magazine, along with a link to this page. I guess you'd better make sure that your own blog is ready for public inspection.


Michelle said…
Dear Mr Watson,

This was meant to be an exercise for a university degree course and not for public display. I do not want to publish my details on the internet above and beyond this exercise, which although public does not advertise itself - UNLIKE NOW! How dare you without consulting us first.

Michelle Parker
I completely agree with my other colleagues, I don’t think that’s a very good idea to have our blogs exposed like .
dickie said…
Come on guys, chill out.

One day, quite soon, your design ideas are going to be exposed to the big wide world, open to scrutiny.

This is an opportunity to get noticed, perhaps by an established design studio, who may like your ideas and are looking to recruit!

If you don't like some of the entries (which you have written), why not delete them?

Where is the harm?
Annie said…
I've always felt this was quite a public diary, and that it would be difficult to retain it totally within the class. So I'm not too concerned about sharing our blog information with the SGD and the readers of the Garden Design Journal.

I imagine David's aim was to communicate the idea of this (potentially successful) exercise to students and tutors of other colleges who might want to try it out.

As 'Dickie' says, you can always remove any posts you're not happy about.
rg301 said…
hey! i don't think that theirs any harm in exposing our work! i think this is a good idea, as it would get people who know nothing about our work or us to make comments. this will help us imporove our work and maybe help us feel more confident about our progress!

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