Blog roundup

Things appear to be going very well on the design diary/blog project. All students are now well off the mark with just one or two still resisting. It may be time to name-and-shame but I'll leave it another week before I do that, hey George.

There are some excellent blogs developing and in addition to those already mentioned in previous posts, I'd like to recommend Christine's DesignLab by Christine Ningrum (a.k.a. Christine Darmono). Christine has made some great posts in the last week or so and they include some excellent images. Christine has also got to grips with modifying her blog template to include some personal links on the sidebar - top class work.

I've just reviewed all the blogs and it's clear that although I still need to put some material together on image placement, everyone is already getting a lot better at it. Trial-and-error plus experience are already paying off.

I have also noticed that some of those who burst into their blogging with a flurry of posts have now slowed down. This may be because Jamie has advised them that they're spending too much time on it or that the initial fascination is wearing off. My guess is that sooner or later, there will be a leveling-out and most blogs will just progress at a steady pace - at least, that's what I would hope.

Of course, there is a second scenario where, after an initial interest, everyone just gets bored but somehow I just can't see that happening.


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