Oh dear, oh dear!

Well, I was supposed to be setting an example here and regularly blogging each week. Here we are at the end of November with a very poor showing indeed. I do have lots of excuses, as you might expect, (it been a very busy term... and all that) but the bottom line is - I haven't done it. So now, to make amends (if I can), I promise to blog more regularly and to review some of the great student blogs out there.

I was recently told that students at the University of Sheffield are now blogging and I will try to get some links. It's also possible that landscape and garden design students on other courses are also blogging, so if you know of any, send the details to me and we'll try to get a link exchange going.

OK, I now have a list of things to do: make a list of Greenwich student blogs, collate the survey results and report back, make links with landscape courses who are blogging at other universities. That should keep me going for a while :)


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