This is it!

The start to Term 2 is always a bit of a shock. A 4-day block course starting on 3rd January and the first week of teaching proper always leaves me reeling. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching but you can have too much of a good thing.

For 3rd year BA students, this time usually marks the sudden realisation that this is the last lap, nearing the home straight. Yes, that's right, you should be sprinting by now! The masterplan deadline (on 23rd January this year) is an important milestone. Hit that just right, keep an even pace through Easter and you're sorted. I admit that there is a lot of work to do and term 6 is the busiest of the whole BA but as John Rist put it so well, "degrees don't come in lucky bags or boxes of cornflakes".

Weren't lucky bags just the greatest things?


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